Party Industry
The latest inflatable designs are becoming more engaging, challenging, and interactive. Jump On In has recognized an extraordinary market opportunity by taking inflatables out of the backyard and putting them into a private, indoor party facility. Jump On In was the first company in New England to build on the popularity of inflatables and expand to other exciting jumping equipment such as the Jumpshot Basketball trampoline basketball game.
Typically located in light industrial parks, Jump On In facilities generally feature two gyms and two private party rooms for pizza/soda/cake etc.
The Jump On In Difference
Jump On In has been designed from the start to be different from other party places that feature inflatables. We've actually designed our business model with the owner in mind. For example, we've set up our business model so your facility can be open when you want it to be rather than a seven day a week business. WE REALIZED THAT EVEN BUSINESS OWNERS SOMETIMES SEEK BALANCE IN THEIR LIVES AND DO NOT WANT THEIR FACILITY TO BE OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. Our business model allows you to offer parties on a seven day schedule, but still leaves you room to accommodate other needs if you'd like to be closed on some weekdays.
Additionally, we realized that many business owners have stayed away from similar businesses because they felt that they would be physically tied to the facility for 12-15 hours a day. Again, our business model has been very popular with our franchisees and has been designed with you in mind to allow you to be open only when you have parties scheduled. Our model requires an active owner, but not one who needs to be at the facility during all operating hours.
What makes Jump On In special to children is that they have to be invited to play there, or have their own party, since all parties are private and the facility will generally not be open for walk-in business every day. This lends itself to bookings months in advance, especially on weekends, to assure parents that their children will have their parties at Jump On In. Being open primarily by appointment allows a Jump On In Franchisee to control his or her operating and labor costs.
Because safe and controlled environments for children are so important to parents these days, Jump On In is the perfect place for a party. And, of course, children will always continue to have birthdays!!!